Assignment - 3D printing and scaning assignment

In this assignment we have do 3D printing and scanning of any object. Here we have one freedom that is either we can print our own design thing or we can print scan model on 3D printer machine. I have decided to print model which I have design in week.2 assignment in blender software and I am gonna scan screw driver container.If you want to edit your 3D job before printing in parts then we required net fab. NETFAB then register on it. We get key after registeration and then we get key number for installation.

About my assignment:

I am making small trophy in Blender software. So I made rough design on paper with required dimension. Now I am trying to make same in blender.This assignment help me to take more deep into blender with various command.

For making Trophy I have selected torus shape and change dimension of outer and inner diameter side,editing you can do with right click on mouse.For making base I have drag and drop square shape and with boolean I merge both shapes.Verified design with rotating in all angles.

I 'Export' that file in 'stl' open in net fab and check it any error was their?

fortunately I didn't find any error but dimension get change so I rescale it in net fab and edit with required size

Save it agin in net fab project.

I did 3D printing assignment at FAB10 conference with help of Pietro (ultimaker 3d printer member)

I made design in blender do some modification required and then check design how it will look and operation of 3d printer virtualy on software.

Before working we have get machine turn on for heating. We got indication exactly after heating process done.

Then it is necessary to callibirate bed as per required. When all this thing done so insert your SD card or USB for communication with 3d printer machine. Their is knob provided for selection procedure of your file. Go as per that and press start for printing object.
Machine start printing layer by layer we put touching build plate support, always create G code file for 3D printing

Download stl files from here.

We will see time required for printing.

My job took 4hrs for completion.

As per this I have operate 3d printer at FAB10 conference.

3D Scaning

I wish to scan Trophy on 3D printer but bed size of modella machine is less
For scaning assignment I scan spoon on Roland modela MDX20

First I replace drill assembly to scanner assembly
Then with double sided tape I stick screw driver on modela bed properly

3D Scaning

In 3D scaning assignment I scan a known object (container for screw driver heads) is photogrpahed from different angles (60 snaps) and uploaded to 123D Catch. The output file is treated there onwards to generate a print-ready 3D model.

Output using 123D catch

repair model in netfab

Poison filter application in meshLab

Final Output viewed in netFabb

Tools: Digital Camera, 123d catch, netfabb, meshLab Output File:


1) netFabb allows to add-remove the triangle and surfaces.

2) Using this feature the model generated by 123D Catch was edited.


1) Cut tool in netFabb: A small process that I was willing to do is to cut the distorted bottom of 3D model. This distortion was introduced by Poison Filter in the meshLab. The cutting tool is available but after “executing cut” model is not getting divided into parts.

Trial 3 –

A known object (container for screw driver heads) is scanned using Modela scanner and the propriatery s/w Dr. Picza. The scanning problems are visible in the last image. However, Trial 3 produced real good results than Trial 2. Ofcourse, it is a fact that better snapped photographs produce better results than the above, even in 123D Catch.

3D Scanner – Modela MDX20 using Dr. Picza

3D Scanned object as seen in netfabb basic

Scanned object as seen in meshlab